Sunday 18 November 2007

What date is it today?

A stream of light hits my eyes as I am lying in my bed fast asleep. With a troubled face I am forced to open my eyes. I turn my head towards the window to find out what has waken me so early on this Monday morning.

I pull the venetian blind cord and look outside when my eyes meet a magical sight. Our lawn is covered by a thick layer of newly-fallen snow.

My big eyes smile like any child does when he/she discovers something that amazes them. For I am speechless. Suddenly my troubled face is gone and all that is left is an enthusiastic and surprised face.

When the sunlight hits our garden, all the trees and their tree branches glow with such a beautiful sparkling light. A sudden silence appears inside my mind. One must enjoy moments like these when nature decides to show us the magic that it can do. For this time it took my breath away.

I glimpse at my calendar on the opposite wall of my room to see what date it is. Of course, how could I forget?

When my mind finally figures out that it is Christmas morning my ears hear the sound of small feet running above my head. It is my youngest brother who runs down the stairs to wake up the rest of the house and to let them know that it is Christmas.

Suddenly everything goes black in front of me. The magic sight of our garden is gone, the sound of happy feet is also gone and I lay here all alone.

I open up my eyes, confused from what just happened and stare at the calendar once more. Today is not christmas. No not yet. This was just another dream. For it is still about one month left.

I really do long for Christmas as you can see.

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