Saturday 12 January 2008

Lovely evening.

The dinner was delicious and the room was filled of smiling faces and of laughter! It really was a success!

In other words I believe we all had a lovely evening, sharing good stories and memories with each other.

We had plans to watch a movie but we were all "too tired" so the "grown-ups" had their talk and the rest of us "teenagers" watched funny clips on youtube and talked about school, boy/girl - friends and life in general.

Like I said I had a great time but I'm actually feeling a bit tired but we'll see when I fall asleep. I also heard a new song called "Beautiful as You" by a man called Jim Brickman, have you heard of him?

Well I haven't, not until tonight and I think that I might have found a new favourite artist! I'll try to find more of his songs later and I'll probably end up listening to them tonight :)

May you all have a great day/evening!

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