Sunday 6 January 2008

Rock Chic.

Picture: Collage made by me (click on it for a bigger and better view!)

I got home for about one hour ago and I must say that this time it was impossible to make the girls go to bed. They had so much energy throughout the entire evening!

Luckily I did manage to get them to sleep (read: 30 minutes before the parents came home!) so I think I ended my "job" quite good after all.

Anyway as you can see above I managed to put together some clothes which ended up in an outfit I'd like to call "Rock Chic".

I have been listening to rock lately and somehow I got inspired by it. This is what I would like to wear tomorrow if it was possible!

The only items that I own are the converse and my favourite watch from Swatch. I have been looking for similar T-shirts all over Stockholm but I haven't been able to find them :( Perhaps I could wish it for my birthday that is coming up soon! (less than 3 weeks left!)

I should probably get ready for bed, after all it's quite late and I have an early morning to look forward to! (read: not!) I used to be a morning person but nowadays I prefer sleeping as much as possible!

I mean after New Year's Eve I slept until 3.30 PM.. But my record is from a few years ago, also after New Years and then I slept until 5 PM in the afternoon. That ruined my "rythm" for about a week..

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