Thursday 31 January 2008

Summer of 2008.

This last week I've been talking to some of my best friends and apparently people are making plans now in January (!) for the summer of 2008! Am I the only one who thinks it's crazy? It feels as if it's so far away.

Anyway it seems as if I'll be spending the summer working, working and working a lot. That's my plan anyway, we'll see how it goes.

I don't know if I will be able to "squeeze" in some vacation because I'm saving every penny (or in this case "öre") to be able to have a longer vacation, perhaps two or three weeks later this fall/winter in the US.

Like I've written so many times before, I would love to celebrate christmas/new year's eve there! It's time to stop this daydream of mine :P I better finish the homework for tomorrow maybe I'll write more later.


Anonymous said...

Hur blir det för dig i sommar med konfalägret? :) <3

About me said...

Emma: Tyvärr så kommer jag inte att jobba där nere i år :( Fruktar att det blev mitt sista år förra sommaren. Tyvärr.. Men Du & jag vi ska ses iaf!! Så de så ;D <3