Friday 14 December 2007

Math test.

I wish I could lay down and fall asleep, but no. I'm up studying for the big math test today.

It doesn't start until after lunch but I figured that I should get up early and go through the things one last time before entering the classroom.

Anyway it's a long test, seriously, who came up with this stupid idea of having a math test for 4 hours? (That's the maximum time)

But I guess most people will leave after perhaps 2-3 hours, we'll see. So wish me luck and I'll write more later tonight!


Anonymous said...

Hur gick provet? :) <3

About me said...

Emma: Jodå det gick bra tack! :) Jag satt nästan hela provtiden, gick när det var 30 minuter kvar men då kändes som att jag inte kunde göra mer. Det var folk som gick efter bara 2 timmar så jag förstår inte hur de hann? Eller så gick de mindre bra för dem, vet ej..