Sunday 2 December 2007

Important thoughts. Make a Difference.

What are your goals in life? A common question we all ask ourselves at some point in our lives.

Surely most of us dream about having a great job with a large paycheck, getting married meaning creating a new family, to afford a nice house, drive around in a sport car etc.

Another good question would be; would these things make you happy? I ask myself this question and I say no.

Why? Because life is not about gaining enough money to buy expensive things, or it doesn't need to be expensive, it could be cheaper things but in a larger amount of them instead.

If you would be lucky enough to do well in your career then that's fine, no that's more than fine! Because with that money you spend on some material things that might be popular right now you could actually do something to change the lives of millions of people around the world.

It could be saving the life of a 13 year old girl in Namibia suffering from Hiv, or to donate money to organizations such as "Make Povery History" or "Wateraid - Fresh2o" etc.

People living in wealthier countries around the world, I guess Sweden is one of them, complain about not having enough money to buy different kinds of things. It could be anything from that new high-tech cellphone or that gorgeous designer bag from say Chanel?

My point is that one should learn to appreciate things better and to live with less expensive things because when you are in that store considering whether if you should waste your next salary on that new jacket there are millions of people out there starving themselves to death because there is not enough money to buy food.

In some way it feels as if the topic I'm bringing up is tabu? People know about the fact but have you seen any action to stop it? The answer is no.

All the commercials I've seen on the TV, young children that live under these circumstances. It breaks my heart. It's not fair, no one should be forced to live a life like that.

All we have to do is act! Do something, now, not tomorrow because then it might be too late. Think about it. What can you do to improve the lives of millions of people?

I have finally realized what one of my mayor goals is; try to change my way of living (meaning to live with less expensive things) and to donate the money that is left to organizations such as Unicef etc.

On top of everything my biggest dream would be to work there, at Unicef because I know that I would be able to go home after a long day of work, knowing that I made a difference today.

I might have helped that 13 year old girl in Namibia by gaining a new donator to give her hospital more money to medicines and other equipment they might need. That would make my heart and soul happy.


Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

I loved this post. It's one of those meaninful things we say with a serious tone and unfairness in our hearts. However, that's not why I love it. I love the fact that you're not only bringing it to peolpe's attention, but you are also trying to act againt the unfairness.

I don't want to be a patron of the poverty cause, but I really feel like this is an issue close to my heart ever since I sat the Lice 8 concert in 2005 and most recently the film: The girl in the café. It's really affected my priorities and my way of thinking, and I'm glad to see that it's not only me who stands alone and yet proud against the issue.

This is one of the reasons I was so upset about the loss of my iPod (this is sort of hypocritical, hehe) since the money I had bought it for had been donated to AIDS/ HIV research and fighting for those who need it.

I really sppreciated your post and hop you continue to raise awareness of this cause and have it in mind as all times.

I have. Each morning when I take the train to school, I think about the 720 children who die in the time it takes for me to get there. It's unfairness, immorality and passivity that contributes to their deaths, and if people are aware ans willing to make a change, that number can halve, or even better - dissapear.

About me said...

Drop a tear in my wineglass: Thank you, I'm glad you liked the post :) I agree, I think it is important to talk about it, because if you don't you easily "forget" about it in the stressful every-day life.

I understand, believe me I really do. As far as I can remember I have always had a dream about helping others and the idea developed when I turned 15 when I started to learn about the big organizations such as UNICEF etc. I haven't seen that film? Perhaps I should try to see it!

No you are definetely not alone when it comes to having thoughts around this subject, people say that "one can't do everything, but together we can" I believe that to be true. So that's what we really need to do! Work together.

I will wrote more similar posts, so you have something to look forward to! ;)

Same here, of course I think about them too, still sometimes it's hard to because you have so many other things going on in your life but the point is that we must not forget about them! Because like you said that would only make things worse.

But my dream is that all of us would think about it and for the times we forget it there should be people around us to remind us of it. The best thing would be to make the large number to dissapear, but we can only take one step at the time. So to begin with one can talk about more often and make people realize how big and important issue this really is.