Wednesday 26 December 2007

Prince Charming.

Picture: Shane West

Here I am dreaming myself away to sunny California where a certain gorgeous guy live. You've probably seen him around Hollywood because he's one of the bigger stars and his name is Shane West.

I haven't had the fortune of meeting him in person yet but what I do know from looking at pictures of him is that he has almost all the features that I find attractive in men, the one thing that would make him even more gorgeous in my eyes would be if he simply had blue eyes.

But I've noticed from watching different pictures that in some his eyes look green and in others they look brown? So I can't make up my mind on what colour his eyes have but one thing is for sure - they are not blue.

The reason for why I find him attractive is like I said because of his good looks, he's athletic and he seems to be a nice down-to-earth kind of guy. The fact that he's a celebrity just make things complicated. I'm thinking: paparazzi, stalkers and more paparazzi. I don't know if I'd be able to handle all that pressure.

Then again, the chance of meeting him is really small now that we don't live in the same country/state not to mention the same continent.

However how crazy this might sound it feels as if I've already met him in person. Or not the actual Shane West but another guy who I think looks just like him. There were still two other facts that made this other guy more interesting though,

1) he's got blue eyes!! 2) he is hilarious and can always make me laugh/smile. Besides, he turns out to be one of my closest friends, I think it's way cool to have good friends who also turn out to be "good-looking friends" what I'm trying to say is that it's just a plus that he's good looking. But he really is a good friend too.

Anyway it feels as if I'm just writing "bla bla bla" right now so I think I'll end this post here. Time to try and get some sleep and continue my dream about the hansum young Shane West.. Good night!

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