Wednesday 26 December 2007

Time for a walk.

Over the last couple of days I guess most of us have been eating a lot of delicious Christmas food? Am I not correct?

Well we certainly have and therefor my family decided that today we should all go out together to enjoy a long walk! My younger brother and I have put up a schedule to start exercising together which I think will be fun!

One shouldn't forget to exercise just because it's Christmas you know? ;) It's important to eat good food too but all I'm trying to say is that it is important to think of your health too.

Time to eat some light lunch and later I'm going out for that "long walk" I might bring my camera to take some "sad" pictures of our snow-less country..

That's correct, unfortunately we haven't been able to have any snow this year. But my guess is that it's coming.. Hopefully for my birthday!

Oh my, I just realized that I'm turning 20 within one month, since today it is the 26th of December and my birthday is on the 26th of January! Oh I can't wait :) Haha sorry got to go now! I'll write more later! Ciao!

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